
2024-2025 season registration through TeamSnap has started!

Olympian Wrestling now allows you to register through TeamSnap.  TeamSnap is our tool for communications and team management.  You will need to create a team snap account when registering your athlete(s) if you didn’t create one last year and will have the opportunity to pay fees online.  After registration, you will be sent confirmation and information on how to download TeamSnap mobile app and view team information all from the palm of your hand.


  • Heroes

  • Ages 4 - 9

  • Practice 2 Days Per Week: 6:00pm - 6:30pm

  • Train with Former Olympic and Collegiate Athletes

  • Foundational Technique

  • Peak2Peak Wrestling League

  • Titans

  • Ages 10 - 15

  • Practice 2 Days Per Week: 6:30pm - 8:00pm

  • Train with Former Olympic and Collegiate Athletes

  • Advanced Technique

  • Peak2Peak Wrestling League